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Digital Transformation empowered across industries by Microsoft Cloud

A theme for Microsoft Inspire this year (July 14-15, 2021)

“The opportunity ahead for Microsoft is vast, but to seize it, we must focus clearly, move faster, and continue to transform”…Satya Nadella

One of themes of Microsoft Inspire this year (July 14-15, 2021) is digital transformation.

Successful organizations vision most of their transformation journey by concentrating on empowering people to attain more with the correct technology.

COVID-19 has changed the way we used to work and live. The COVID-19 pandemic has explained the vital role of technology in supporting citizens, societies, and businesses to adapt. With the help of digital infrastructure, it was easier for complete societies and economies to move to the cloud with a great speed and ease that was not possible in previous eras. The pre-pandemic investments and decisions shaped the organizational outcomes. COVID-19 itself had a big impact on business and digital priorities.

An independent study across eight industries was conducted by The Economist Intelligence Unit, commissioned by Microsoft. This study focused on the long-lasting changes due to the pandemic-driven waves of digital transformation. The research revealed that resilience and digital preparedness are the keys to transformation.

Now let’s learn:-

What is Digital Transformation?

The process of using digital technologies to provide capabilities to create new business models is digital transformation.

This study associates digital transformation with the wider societal context. You can DOWNLOAD THE REPORT

Now let’s shift our focus to the:

Digital Drivers in the Covid-19 Pandemic

The maximum of the respondents (that is) 76% agreed that companies have an accountability to play a productive role in wider society.

The Industry Reports

Automobile: Supportable mobility for all

49% of automotive respondents agreed that the pace of digital transformation rose during the pandemic (lesser than the survey average of 72%)…READ MORE

Education: New means of learning

Skill-building came out to be the top societal benefit of digital transformation as agreed by 63% of education respondents…READ MORE

Financial Services: Ensuring the smoother and safer flow of commerce

87% of financial services employees nodded that digital-first organizations had a competitive edge in the present pandemic…READ MORE

Government: Helping the public

Maximum of the government respondents (that is 55%) stated they were ready for the remote work (lower than the survey average of 62%)…READ MORE

Healthcare: A challenging balancing act

The top positive societal impact of digital transformation is public health and welfare as agreed by 60% of healthcare respondents…READ MORE

Manufacturing: A completely new age of sustainable manufacturing

56% of manufacturing respondents agreed that refining operational efficiency is the top focus of their organization’s digital transformation strategy — greater than other sectors…READ MORE

Media & Communications: Keeping people updated and connected

The pace of digital transformation was accelerated by the pandemic, 75% agree to that…READ MORE

Retail: Providing for society

49% of retail respondents said refining customer experience is motivating digital transformation…READ MORE

Microsoft Inspire is PSSPL’s largest partner event of the year, offering various prospects for its clients to improve their business by interacting with partners from across the globe, industry leaders, and Microsoft experts.

See you on July 14–15, 2021…READ MORE

Concluding lines

The digital infrastructure that was established (as the pandemic began spreading across the world) helped businesses to remain upfront and revert to societal disruption in a more agile way.

Thus the study examines how organizations’ own digital capabilities helped them serve a social purpose during the pandemic time.