About Client
Puerto Rico
Artificial Intelligence
Business need
To build a ‘LATE COMING MANAGER BOT’ – that responds to a command by HR with the list of members who have punched in late and yet not processed by HR, with the list of Thumbnail Cards for each member with possible actions for HR to operate. To facilitate accurate data for the bot, implement 1 – auto sync of punch machine to OnPrem database 2 – API that returns the late coming members data from a database to Bot.

Technical Objective
- Project architecture was flexible, can be integrated with third party apps.
- The application works with 3rd party Devices such as Newland and Datalogic.
- Scandit Integration for barcode Scan using the Mobile device.
- Multilingual support.
- Using Swift, Xcode, and Stripe Payment we developed an app as per the customer’s requirements.
- Created a user-friendly interface through which users could get a clear idea about the entire app and use it easily.
- The customer begins by selecting a restaurant, scanning the menu options, selecting an item, and then deciding whether to pick up or have it delivered.
- Payment is then made via credit card or debit card via the app or website, or in cash at the restaurant when picking up the order.
- Up to 12 times reduction in time consumption of HR member to process late comings
- Efficient management for HR department
- Ease in tracking employee attendance
Technology Stack