About Client
Risk Inspection System
Client wanted to develop a system of inspection that integrates a web site to provide a complete solution to its customers, that is suited to the growth of the same, which allows you to keep track of the risks and obtain the information in a fast and clear way.

Technical Objective
- Authentication with AD
- Google Map Integration
- Multilingual Support
- Ability to upload risk using excel
We created a .net based solution which included following features
- Permission based Access
- Authentication via both AD and DB
- Approval of call center user once the risk is uploaded
- Log management of whole web site
- Dashboard Integration which gave a glance to the users about the key information
- Risk detail page which would display risk details based on latitude and longitude
- Source to destination direction displayed on map using google map API
- Various reports such as
- Risk Information
- Inspector transactions
- Statistics reports for geographic zones
- Individual report for risk, with GPS and photos
- Spanish Language support
- Option of managing Insurance company details, Insurance company details, Call Centre user details
- Ability to change the status of risk (verified, Inspected)
- Client now had a web solution wherein he can easily log his risk inspection related details
- Filter option on the pages made it easy for the user to search any details
- Real time navigation made it easy for the user to reach his destination easily
- Integration of reports gave a proper insight into the activities of the system
Technology Stack