About Client
Record Aggregator
The company had data spread across the lists and library which have hit the SharePoint threshold of 5000 items and needed an aggregator webpart, which can be used with various entities and provides all the vital information on a single screen without having to go to multiple lists and libraries, so, we created a record aggregator, somewhat similar to content query webpart, but with added levels of configurations.

Technical Objective
- A configurable webpart that can be deployed anywhere, can get data from any site
- An efficient aggregator that can get data from across the lists
- A simple yet elegant way of defining queries and fields that need to be displayed on the screen
- Being able to configure the related lists from which the data would need to be loaded
- We developed an SPFX webpart with futuristic view, if the client wants to switch to modern experience to modern experience. The webpart uses react as framework, so the rendering is fast and does not require post backs. The primary and related data is rendered using jQuery DataTable and the query is run using SharePoint Rest API which. We only load the related data as and when required so the initial load is not burdened much.
- The whole webpart is configurable, that means that it can be run for any entity, any web, the filters and related entities can be defined while configuring webpart.
- The reports can be run easily and data can be exported.
- Right now, the client is using the webpart to run a Country wise report of Projects based on managed metadata, the client has 15000+ projects, and as the list has reached the threshold the filter queries on managed metadata field is failing, and the client didn’t like the idea of using Managed Metadata navigation and wanted something that would also load information from the related entities and so, this webpart very elegantly addresses all these issues that the client was facing.
- Configurable webpart
- Aggregated information, which can prove crucial in making key decisions
- Search is much easier
- Can be used in modern experience if the client wants to make a switch in the future
- Addresses SharePoint’s 5000 threshold limit
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