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Quiz App

An app for awareness and knowledge of students

About Client

Quiz App



Technical Objective

  • HTML quiz which uses different types of questions (like Drag Drop, Math) using JQuery, CSS3, HTML, GIF, CSS3 Animations. Implement JavaScript Code to Manage Score.  
  • Informative videos, Audios and Animations to make it more user approachable and engaging.
  • This can be plays in TEAMS and points are allotted accordingly.
  • Correct answers will win 5 and 10 points respectively depending on question type and difficulty level.


The customer had a noble idea of creating an app for awareness and knowledge of students. We proposed to go with a wireframe for a better understanding. We then developed a solution with HTML using JQuery, CSS3, HTML, GIF, CSS3 Animations and React JS. This can be played by many teams.


  • A very innovative method to teach students about finance management.  
  • Easy and user responsive application. 
  • Very self-explaining for students and need minimum elderly supervision.

Technology Stack