About Client
The client had invested a lot in its employee’s professional development by offering monetary help to undertake courses and obtain certificates, but lacked the process that would allow the advancement, reimbursement and reconciliation applications be submitted and approved or denied.
The approval before this system used to be carried out through paper based forms and emails, which had become very cumbersome for compensation team. They also needed past records to be maintained which they can reference before approving or rejecting the request, which again with paper based system was tiresome.
We created this system, which not only streamlined this process but also became the vital data provider to other systems such as Accounting System, Performance Management, Skills Management and Assignment Management also led to the increase of the accountability in course takers.

Technical Objective
- A single page application that takes care of submission of form where advancement, reimbursement and reconciliation applications
- Being able to run and export the reports
- Multi-step approval process
- Permission management
- Sending out reminders
- We leveraged SharePoint Hosted App model for the submission of the course and course documents that the employees were going to undertake. For the multi-step approval process we used SharePoint Designer Workflow, which very smoothly carried out the approval process. We used jQuery DataTable for showing the reports and later also enabled export of the reports. Furthermore, to send out the reminders for approval and reconciliation we hosted a job written in CSOM.
- The accessibility of applications was also very crucial, so, we used remote event receivers for SharePoint to manage the permissions. We also made provisions in the app so that it can also be submitted by Administrator in the cases where the employee is not able to submit it.
- The result of this was a system was an easy to use, transparent and recorded the courses and skills acquired by an employee which becomes a crucial data provider while doing the assignments.
- Streamlined approval process
- Running and exporting reports based on multiple criteria
- Current status of the application is available on the fingertips of the employees
- A system that generates the data that can be fed to other systems
Technology Stack