MVC jQuery List with Grouping and Advance Filtering
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MVC jQuery List with Grouping and Advance Filtering
Client already had the solution on some other platform. He wanted same with MVC. Basically, requirement is to create a grid, which has some data for a particular project. User can filter with different conditions and can group data for one level. Also, filtered and grouped data grid can be exported to excel sheet.

Technical Objective
- Show data in a grid
- Drag headers and drop to a particular area to group by that column
- Advanced data filter that can include various conditions including “AND”, “OR” on different columns
- Export to Excel
- Achieve all these functionalities simultaneously and without using any paid tool.
- Replication of functionality of old system and using existing database to work with new system
- Using MVC Architecture along with jQuery and other jQuery Plugins
- User can see data as he/she wants. Data can be filtered, grouped, summarized etc.
- Grid can be exported to excel.
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