About Client
Fitness Nutrition Application
- Client wanted to develop a fitness and nutrition application for Android (Java) and iOS (Swift) operating systems running on smartphone and tablet devices with different resolutions.
- Both applications are connecting to server components to access several information like user data and to request evaluation results based on tracked nutritional user data.

Technical Objective
- Client had a certain development Guidelines that he need the team to follow.
- Client wanted the project execution via Agile methodology.
- Graphical representation of user weight history.
- Success Calculation timeline integration to reach the defined target depending on fix calculation.
- We provided him the solution on both IOS and android by following a specific set of annotations defined by client
- Password were stored in encrypted format taking care of the security aspects for the application
- A simple tour was integrated so that user can have a glance of the features of the application
- Two factor authentication in the form of confirmation code on mobile for registration purpose
- User had multiple options for selecting the type of training that he wanted with the option of setting the duration of the same
- Automatic calorie calculation in real time based on the minutes entered
- Notifications whenever a new PDF/Message is sent by admin
- Color codes to display whether the PDF is opened or not
- Option of setting a target and the application would auto calculate the duration that it would take to reach the target
- Success Corridor Chart with the option of selecting the time period
- Uploading or taking new photos connected with that particular weight
- User was easily able to track their weight
- User was able to get a more graphically view regarding there weight history with the integration of Success Corridor
- With the automatic calculation of the time require to reach the specific target user was able to know the exact time to achieve the goals set by them
Technology Stack