About Client
- The client wanted to automate and web-enable their human resource related and management related studies they conduct in the various organization to provide fast, easy and accurate study results.
- They conduct different type of studies broadly defined as one to one study and 360-degree feedback study.
- Both types of study require numerous question to be answered either in numeric scale or descriptive manner. Each study requires the participant to securely answer their own choice and opinion and result is compiled and exported into excel format from which detailed study reports are generated.
- The system is required to be scalable as the number of organizations is required to obtain such kind of study is ever increasing and user base can be between 100 to 5000 users with concurrent 500 users using the system. A number of questions in the study and their scale is highly configurable based on the type of study and organization.

Technical Objective
- Large organization has internet connectivity available to most of employees
- The system should support resume support for end user as they might left the study half way due to various reasons.
- System must be light weight to work well on slow internet connectivity
- System should be secured and should be protected by username and password.
PSSPL provided the solution which is highly customized and highly configurable. Administrator of the system can configure clients, import and manage their employees and configure and import questions.
Based on questions and employee groups, the admin user can configure studies of one to one type of 360-degree type. Each employee in the system is given a password and they can login to the system.
As they login, they are presented with the instruction on how to fill the study responses and then they can start answering the question. At a time, they are given 10 questions and once they provide the response to given set they can move to next set.
Once the user moves to next set they cannot modify their response to the previous set. At the end of all questions, they can submit the responses and complete the survey.
Our solution brought various benefits to customer business, some of them are:
- Reduced the cost of study
- Reduced the turnaround time for study configuration and capturing the details
- Reduced error in feedback capture and data entry
- Provided accurate exports to be directly used in the generation of reports
- Provided online too which has enabled the client to handle more users at a time and more client at a time due to lesser manual activity.
- Provided flexibility to the user of answering the study from virtually any place with internet
Technology Stack