About Client
UK Based philanthropist looking to create a Crowd Funding portal for struggling music artist.
Crowd Funding
The client wanted to provide a platform to emerging talents specifically for music artists looking for support for their work art. The idea was to develop a portal with a crowdfunding platform where backers back their favourite artist by paying a certain amount. Artists establish the goal of getting the bucks and upon achieving deliver the video with performance. The revenue model was to yield x% of amount as a commission from successful backings

Technical Objective
- Design and develop an Native iOS Application as per the requirements of the client.
- Fetching all the data from the first time from the documents uploaded and storing it locally in a database.
- As a part of the solution, we established a highly scalable crowd funding system for the music industry; a concept similar to Kickstarter.
- The technology carried ASP.NET MVC 4.5, Entity Framework 4, LINQ, SQL 2012 along with highly scalable architecture built upon AWS stack.
- AWS provisions utilization were utilized such as Cloud Front, Elastic Beanstalk, RDS, Elastic Transcoder, Glacier, SNS, and SQS.
- Elastic Search as high performance, the scalable full-text search engine was implemented with PayPal as a payment moderator.
- From the functional point of view, features such as building artist profile, importing the list of songs all over the globe using 3rd party API, goal creation for artist, song & artist backing by backers were implemented.
- The website provided a much-needed platform for music artists to showcase their talent and getting backed by viewers.
- Viewers could make the request for songs of their choice from different artists having a full video access based on accomplishment of goals.
Technology Stack