Cloud and Azure System
Showcase true cloud based platform using Microsoft latest technologies and Azure cloud platform
About Client
A USA based Client having restoration and infrastructure business where he needs such a software where he can plan, manage, track, schedule his activities and collaborate with customers.

Technical Objective
- The technical objective is this system to provide a showcase true cloud based platform using Microsoft latest technologies and Azure cloud platform with office 365 Integration.
- It also provides facility to store project related files and documents on cloud and sync them in real time on client machine same as drobox.
- System has feature like creating schedule like Microsoft Project and integrate details with One Note.
- System is well integrated with many party service providers for email management and payment processing for subscribers.
- Azure cloud – for hosting and storage
- Azure SQL Database: for Scalability and robust OLTP to cater heavy load
- APIs: for customer specific data distribution and integration
- Web UIs and Mobile friendly responsive layout
- Office 365 integration like outlook and OneNote
System is divided in 3 user facing systems to support any workflow based business model. The noticeable benefits are
Features for Members Panel: This is the main user facing website used staff of an organization and customers
- Workflow Management
- Scheduler
- Manage To-do and Workflow Tasks
- Issue Management
- Manage Organization wise settings
- User & External User Management
- Role & Permission Management
- Manage Email template
- Branding and Theme
- Job Management
- Document Management by Job, Task, Issue
- User and Service based Subscription
- Outlook Add in for Export emails to jobs, Sync Contacts and Tasks
- Email based Issue Reporting
- Email Notification
- Employee Center
- Calendar
- Help – ScreenTip tour, video tour, Zen desk integration, Report issue
- One note integration
- Exception Logging
- opt out
- System Generalization – Manage each module & field label per organization
- Search Generalization – Dynamic Search & Filter
- Manage Master of Organization
- Dynamic Custom Fields
- Dropbox integration
Features of Global Admin Panel: This site is used by Administrator om member panel website
- Organization Management
- Configure Subscription Plans
- Manage Masters
- Manage Email Templates
- Help Content
- Manage Outlook Add-ons
- Manage Default Users
- Manage Master Workflow
- Manage Role
- Manage Settings
Features of Public Site: This is a portal where customers of product register’s themselves and subscribe themselves for demo or purchased product
Technology Stack