Azure Subscription
All in one landing and startup solutions. Endless use-cases that make it highly
About Client
An in-house application developed by Prakash Software Solutions for managing azure subscription
Taking up “Mobile First Cloud First” with high transformation perspective, there is a huge potential to extend it to “Mobile Cloud First” – a dimension of solutions where cloud management and analytics are availed on mobile platform - So to keep track of Azure subscriptions we developed this application

Technical Objective
- Implement REST API based solution that leverages Azure programmability.
- Implement IOS Application that consumes the built REST API to enable Azure programmability based feature values on mobile platforms.
- Dashboard wherein you can select Azure accounts and all the details would auto populate
- Prediction with Credit detail based on the date selected by the user
- All the subscription would be displayed under one roof
- Daily Trend Analysis with the help of graph
- Resource-based credits stat based on the date selected by the user
- Activate /Disable/Delete azure accounts
- Subscription-based Resources details with the status of each one of them
- Following Reports were included
- Mail Box usage detail
- Connection by client type
- Connection by client type detail
- CsP2PAV Time
- Notifications for total credits remaining
- All Azure subscription details resided under one roof
- Better resource management
- Nice UI makes easy for the user easy to use the application
Technology Stack