About Client
Account Payable System
Client wanted to automate their Accounts Payable activities starting from registering an invoice to making an actual payment.
- Registering an invoice with all details including line items
- Approval workflow depending on the invoice amount
- Handy task list for all staff for their tasks
- Accounting team can easily export data and work on them and import back into application
- An interface with third party accounting application named SAGE
- Automatic reminders to team about pending approvals
- Recurring invoice generation automatically based on selected recurrence
- Easy to manage users and permissions

Technical Objective
- Design and develop an Native iOS Application as per the requirements of the client.
- Fetching all the data from the first time from the documents uploaded and storing it locally in a database.
- Web based cloud solution
- Integrated with existing Office 365 infrastructure and Azure
- Office Add-in developed on Microsoft technology stack leveraging Azure
- Email notification function to send approval reminders
- Automatically creating recurring invoice based on schedule defined
- Mobile responsive design to support all devices
- Single sign on to work with existing O365 accounts
- No paper work required
- Time to process an invoice has reduced drastically
- No missing payments
- Complete tracking of all invoices
- Audit trail of all approvals and tasks
Technology Stack