About Client
Video Player System
Client needed a web base solution of video player for viewing the video, manage video quality as per available resolution, functionality of sharing a video, maintain the video details logs in Database (video status, watch count, browser use for the viewing the video, getting IP address of the machine).

Technical Objective
- Short URL integration
- Implement Video Player
- Manage Video details
- Manage Quality and Share video
- We divided the project into 2 easy sprints for better execution of project
- Below are two different modules:
- Firebase Functions/Triggers in node
- Video Player module (Used JWplayer) – Node and Socket.io
- For Module(a)
- In Module(a) stored video’s path. One video has two quality path one is high quality and another one is low quality
- We convert Long video URL in short URL using Bit.ly
- Added Short code in video URL using that short code we got video sources from DB
- For Module(b)
- We created template for player using HTML/CSS
- Using node and socket.io manage to connect DB with firebase
- Get short code from URL and using that get all information of video (Like video sources, name and so on…)
- For video operation (play, share, quality manage) use JWplayer.
- Video history and video status managed is managed by this module
- Play Videos with Different quality
- Share videos with different social platform
- Store Video history details in firebase Db (ex – IP address from video played, location, browser related stuff and so on…)
- Store video status means video how much watched and store also video watch count DB
Technology Stack