MD Desk Letter
Apr - Jun (2022-2023)
“Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships”
Michael Jordan

Michael Jordan

As compared to Q1 2021-22 we had an increase of13.60% in topline for Q1 2022-23.
We are constantly looking for chances to add new services to our diverse inventory of offerings. To ensure the efficient execution of numerous internal processes and tasks, we have automated our business processes and established multiple process frameworks.

Celebrations are a crucial component of work-life balance. Every month we at Prakash have Fun-Friday celebrations wherein we celebrate the birthday of our teammates, have fun and rejoice.
We also had several technical sessions for our employees. To name a few PowerApps AI, PowerApps Bots, Power Platform Custom Connectors, Power Automate Desktop, Model-Driven Apps,Teams App Development, Laravel TDD, Laravel Queues, Laravel Roles and Permissions, InertiaJS, Python Basics, and Flask Framework Python.
We had two days workshop (from 28th to 29th May 2022) at Fairfield by Marriott Hotel Vadodara. This workshop aimed to plan strategies for the coming year 2022-23. We had a good discussion with all our department heads and the CEO of our company. All the concerns, queries, and plans were discussed and the roadmap for successful 2022-23 was put-in-place.
We completed yearly reviews and appraisal cycles for all our employees
We also consider an individual’s development, which is why we’ve continued to undergo various Microsoft Certifications to improve their working lives.

We are continuously expanding our team and are in search to on-board the best budding talents in the industry.
You can visit to know about our current openings.

At the End
Winning doesn’t always mean being first. Winning means you’re doing better than you’ve ever done before.Bonnie Blair.
We at PSSPL have always believed in the above quote by Bonnie Blair. When you have a goal you want to accomplish,it’s crucial to keep trying despite of the challenges. Giving up is never an option, and if you put in the necessary effort and use sensible strategies, you’ll succeed in the end.
With a robust order book that has grown throughout the year, we have started this quarter with strong growth momentum and greater visibility for future growth than we have in the past. We anticipate robust structural growth the medium and longer-term. We are also spreading our wings in different locations across India.
In the end, I want to personally thank all of my partners, staff, and other stakeholders for their support of the business. We look forward to having your ongoing assistance as we go forward.
Best Wishes,
Hardik Shah